

3 Books in 30 Minutes!!!

The challenge: come up with three concepts for books. Include a very short explanation of the basic idea and add a title. You have 30 minutes.


The first title I chose is Snuggles no more! a marital tragedy. Why not write about things I know? No, seriously, this could be a great title for a funny companion type of book with all sorts of backwards tips regarding marriage, explaining for example, how the silent treatment really is effective against.... not being noticed... Following the approved How-not-to book tradition.

The second one Tracksuit legends I sort of came up with spontaneously. I just loved the basic idea: the hero is a tracksuit wearing slacker, carved in my image and inspired by Wanja, the nut-eating, ever-sleeping son of a farmer, whose laziness is to become his greatest asset in the turn of events. Maybe the protagonist could even be a virtual hero.

The third one is Cancer’s got nothing on me – stories of a hypochondriac. Well, what can I tell you, this is my cathartic air gate. I am a world-class hypochondriac myself. The maladies I have come up with over the years are creative, highly entertaining to the outside eye, and yet, pure torture for me. Describing my daily struggle for survival could be moving, insightful and fun. So there’s some potential for “dramedy” right there!


  1. Things to consider

    A criminal-mastermind tells the story of his life. From the early beginnings of little con-jobs as a kid, to the big heist that would put a whole country in danger to go bankrupt.

    Killing Time

    A new form of stasis technology allows people to skip unpleasant or dangerous periods. After describing the setting and the first consequences of this technology, the story focuses on the growing problem of stasis bubbles that make almost everything impossible. A new law has to be invented to prevent the misuse of this technology.

    Only 10 minutes left

    A men wakes up with the certain knowledge that the world is going to end today. He spends his and everyone's last day with calling up friends and family. After everyone told him that there is no reason to be worried, and that he just had some sort of a nightmare, he is almost relaxed. But then an old school friend calls, telling him the exact story he had told. Later on even news channels report that there is an increasing number of people with the certain knowledge that the world is going to an end. In the last chapter, the author apologizes to his characters in form of a booming voice from the sky the whole world can hear, that the reason the world is coming to an end is that he only had 30 minutes to come up with 3 story ideas, and this is the best he could do.

  2. You outshine me, dear hubby.. HOW DARE YOU :D
    I like your first idea very much, I can almost see a Gene Hackman-type in front of me for the lead..

  3. And number 3 is a classic version of the author-protagonist-interaction theme. Sort of like Stranger than fiction..lovelovelove
