

No, not at all

Do I need a reason to blog? No, not at all. Congrats me, this is a completely nonsensical piece of writing. Wise men say that sometimes, great ideas spring from mindless ramblings. I have yet to witness something like that, but it can't hurt to just babble on and let it happen whenever it happens. Whatever "it" is. And I writes it the way I sees it. Capiche?

No one ever told me that it is so exhausting to think. I feel less worn out after the inferno workout, after seven days of heat stroke and having eaten nothing but rice cakes - than one hour of brain sweats. To be honest with you, there is absolutely no need to ever think, deep thoughts, earth-shattering thoughts. You can go through life happy as a clam, possibly happier when you shut off the noisemaker upstairs.

I know I know, I make a big fuzz over how important it is not be stupid all-the-time. Believe me, I am annoyed by it myself. And although deep thoughts can be entertaining, we don't need them for anything. We know how to drive a car, how to do the taxes and we find our way to the fridge without asking for a theory of everything. Most of the everyday life problems aren't rocket science.

Granted, you may have a challenging job, and be, in fact, a rocket scientist. If so, then of course you are excused to go on thinking. Or if you absolutely want to, then, by all means, don't let me stop you.

I have decided though that I have thought enough this month, and actually I will spend the rest of August on think strike. I want to hang out, play, and look vacant, in the sun.


  1. Woohoo! Dagnabbit, though. I saw this too late to join your August think strike. I love it! lol...

    Your wit, girl, just cracks me up! "...then of course you are excused to go on thinking."

    Hope all is well, dearie :-)

  2. Hi Teresa, I'm extending the strike period!! *takes sip from a colorful drink with a giant umbrella* :)
    I finished chapter 21 of my novel yesterday and I feel pretty good right now! I'll come by your blog later to check out your SSS snippet!!

    Much love!

  3. Oh no, lol...strike extended?? lol... I have a week's vacation this week. Porchville ;-) Hmm...just write, edit, read to my heart's content ;-)

    Wow, dearie--chapter 21? Excellent :-) Writing is such fun, editing, not so much...platform building? ~sigh~ It has its moments :-)

  4. there it is and I didn't edit any of that once. and it's driving me bonkers. ;) but i'm proud of myself for it. Maybe I need "Over thinker's anonymous".

    1. Um? where did my three paragraph previous comment go? ugh!

  5. Mel, you're brilliant!

    Don't worry, your comment did reach me, if only through email notification.

    This posting problem appears to be one of those not-so-funny jokes initiated by blogger, especially after you told me how much work goes into your postings.... Cruel!!

    Bwaha, I thought only I was that... thorough. You had me rolling on the floor in laughter and agreement. ;)

    10 authors - 8 hour day ratio, jap, that sounds about right. And the writing and editing marathon on these SSS snippets? Why don't we just leave a little "I like it" note the next time, a therapeutic little comment to show that we care and then move on? No one would think us lazy or stupid, why do WE think they would?
    I shiver a little when I think about actually doing that!
    We have OCD, Mel! :)

    I have less trouble in writing first drafts, I dread the second, as it always makes me reconsider every word choice I ever I end up rewriting the whole thing. This annoying habbit kept me from ever finishing anything. And then on Sundays, the spell check, the grammar check, the other comment comparison...

    We're so much alike, I can't believe it! Why do we want to be so clever? It beats me!

    1. Awe Dana, I'm so glad you feel my pain. I contemplated rewriting my tediously thought out comment, but my brain began to convulse trying to remember what I wrote and how I worded it, so I gave up the notion to rewrite it. So glad it came to you anyway and I appreciate you for posting it. Er ... reposting it ;)

      You are so right, it is WOCD .. that's OCD for Writers. It would be so easy to leave a quick "great Six! Nice job!" but you know, that would bother me more that knowing I'd misspelled a word in my comment or something. Never thought of it before, but it really is OCD. ugh! lol.

      My first drafts never seem to get written because I'll write a paragraph and then spend the next four hours editing that paragraph before I can move on. So, I have a wonderful writing friend who has talked me into doing NanoWriMo with her this year as an evil ploy to break me of this "editing curse". (what she really did was threatened me with a Super Soaker drenching if I didn't do it with her.)

      It's true, Dana, we are in the same Twilight Zone episode. ;) Of my 8 WIP's, I haven't finished a stinkin thing save for a short story and it's still in horrendous need of polishing. why do we need to be so clever? Indeed. I think it's like a golf shot. I'm so bad at golf, but I keep playing because when I get that one great 250 yard drive, it feels so good, it's so magical .. that the whole day of cussing that little white ball has been worth it, and it turns out to be a beautiful walk on a beautiful day. I write for the same reason, for that one amazing sentence, for that one amazing paragraph that makes a reader cry or laugh or get so mad they want to choke someone, or they swoon in light of it.

      Well, we are writer friends for life Dana, and quite frankly, with the talent you have and the inspiration your writing gives me, I consider you a muse. ;) You make me want to write, and you make me want to be very good at it. Maybe with a bit of well timed poking and prodding we could nudge each other to finally finish something and get published. ;)

  6. Oh, what the hell...all this work!!
    Guys, you shouldn't miss out on Mel's post because it is so true, blogger wants to keep it secret. Here it is, the truth, revealed by M.L. Falconer:

    "I second Teresa's initial thoughts. Your wit keeps me smiling well into my days and through the week."

    If you only knew how much I relate to this post. Do you realize that on my Six Sentence Sunday blog hop, I visit roughly 10 favorite and it takes me a full 8 hour day? why you ask? because when I'm leaving comments, yes those little 10 to 20 word blurbs, I end up writing them and editing them four or five times, then I leave them to come back and edit again, then when I just think "there is no way I can get this comment better" I'll post it. then I'll contempate on it for several minutes later, wishing I could go back and reedit my comments. Ha!!! (if you have ever seen the Three Stooges, this is where I start getting slap happy and smacking myself in the face. ;)

    So, I'm with you, my friend. I want to join your think strike. I'll make a sign. ;) I don't know why it is that I have to ponder so stressful over a comment, why I need my piddly little blurbs to contain some earth shaking philosophy or something. I approach my writing the same and it's painful. Lol. But I love writing. If you can figure out that logic, you're brilliant. ;)"
