

On a quick note

To all you fantasy and science-fiction geeks out there. Watch out for James Cameron's Avatar
I dare say this movie will combine fantasy and sci-fi in a way never seen before.. and if the story fails to amaze at least we will have some nice 3D-graphics to look at :)
Things I need to do: do the dishes, feed the cat, write a book

I suppose now is the time to finish this thing before it starts to smell! I really do fear that the time has come for this kind of story to hit the tables (and hopefully the bestseller lists as well). So I should be finished with it about.. erm.. now. Great!

I am currently involved with Jonathan Stroud: Bartimaeus Bk 1, another bestseller soon-to-be-movie. There's a noticeable change in the world of fantasy books I recently read. They all do without the typical fantasy setting. The plot nowadays evolves in "our world" (sort of) and the magical cratures seem much more modern than pointy eared elves with bows.

Admittedly, Bartimaeus is an ancient being, but he is nonetheless adapt to our world ( sort of) . The reason I refer to it as sort of is, because yet again there's a world similar to ours with magic floating all around but still no explanation where it comes from or secondly how magical and non-magical creatures are able to coexist. Ok, maybe there will be an explanation on page 484.. I haven't read that far, so my bad, Mr. Stroud.

P.S. Since I am already in a complaining mood: please all of you copy cats out there: leave Ursula
K. LeGuin alone. Surely her idea seems linguistically and otherwise compelling (every creature has a true name which enables others who know this name to have power over them) but it just seems old-school to me - and not in a good way! This idea has been elaborated beautifully by Mrs LeGuin. So if you need a reason for someone to use magic in contrast to others who don't - think off something else or if ou can't: convince me that Ursula's idea is actually yours! But treating this topic like a raw egg makes me really suspicious..


Alone in the dark

For some reason we all need to work, at least that's what everyone tells me. Today my husband had to leave for a day of work in another city and he will be back tomorrow. Since we normally are tandemed all the time a separation always just feels wrong to me. I am not ashamed to say that I want to be with my main man all the time. He rarely ever annoys me which is kind of extraordinary since I have a low threshold in regards to some of the annoyance the universe generally throws at me.

And there's something else missing when he's not there. My safety-net! As every slightly paranoid woman I have visions of getting strangeled by some random murderer whose only purpose it is to break into my house and kill me and after that to flee with the Xbox and maybe some of my favorite games stuck into his pockets hoping to sell the whole package on the black market.

So there's a general agreement amongst women of being afraid while walking alone in a park at night and to feel safe while being around people they know but to be reasonable there's not much probability for being killed (if killed it is) by anyone else than their immediate family or friends - rarely a complete stranger poses a threat. Our assessment on the probabilities of being murdered is a little distorted by the movie industry I suppose.

So I guess we feel safe when we shouldn't and are afraid when there's no reason for it. But still - I rather want to be killed by my husband if it was up to me. He appreciates the Xbox as much as I do, so I have no problem with him running away with it!


Sunshine & lollipops

It's friday (again) and another week is passing without me writing any further word in the bestselling novel that is my story. There's something to say about creativity and happiness: they don't work well together i reckon, because in times of being neither high nor low in spirit i just can't summon the drive to write. So i need the drama to have ideas, that's just great!

Why is it that an artist in misery creates much better things than someone who is deeply content? Take Goethe for example. The guy was in so much pain over his unrequited love he not only brought the most heartbreaking and beautiful written words onto paper, he seemed to like his misery to the point where he himself wallowed in it with delight. Unfortunately i'm not like that. I wish I was! Wanting to be miserable is nothing i aspire to do.

I have to find another way!


Nothing ever happens

Unfortunately there is not much to tell about the bestseller-to-be. But something else happened! Something completely unrelated to the topic of writing.. or is it? :)
Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our wedding anniversary by driving to "Mediamarkt" a large electronic store and spent way too much on stuff we didn't really need. But as always shopping makes me very happy. And I have to say, as nice as buying clothes is, there's nothing better than to stroll through the games isle in a large electronic store. So.. no time to write... gotta play with my new toys!